What wallpaper styles will be trendy in 2021? We have a couple in mind already. Just as in the last week's blog post (Kid's Room Wallpaper trends predictions of the year), we have listed the most popular wallpaper styles that will conquer the rest of the house rooms.


Another wall covering style that we predict will be popular in 2021 is the geometric pattern wallpaper. Based on last year's bestsellers, designs like Scandi Style Geometric wallpaper (Mid-Century Wallpaper collection) and Modern Delicate Herringbone wallpaper (Scandinavian Wallpaper collection) have proven to change the living space without changing the original interior style - especially to a room that often gets forgotten, however, as seen here - wallpaper for mudroom is an effective way to spruce up the space, so make sure to check out our mudroom wallpaper ideas on our socials or visit our Entryway Wallpaper Collection for more designs like these. We predict geometric style designs will continue to be amongst the most popular wallpaper choices of 2021.

A wallpaper style that seems to never really go out of style is the floral pattern wall covering. Wallpaper designs like Subtle Floral wallpaper and Grey Peony wallpaper (Modern Bohemian wallpaper collection) were some of our client's favorite botanical wallpaper designs. We know that in 2021 it will be no different. Interior styles like Grandmillennial and shabby chic will keep the floral theme wallpaper stylish.

These days nature inspired decor is a must have. Due to the "stay home" situation, we've been observing an increasing interest in tropical style wallpaper. As we see it - jungle theme wallpaper like Tropical Palm leaf design (Urban Jungle wallpaper collection) or Banana Leaf wallpaper (Costal wallpaper collection) is a great way how to change your living space. So to say - this year, welcoming nature into your home will keep its place amongst the interior trends of 2021.

We predict that in 2021 accent walls will keep their popularity. Designs like Marble Wall mural (Feminine Design collection) and Colorful Terrazzo pattern wallpaper (Coral collection) with their stone-look like design is one of the most popular bathroom and powder room wallpaper choices. In 2021 we predict stone-themed wallpaper will be a popular choice for other room walls as-well.

Bold, deep colors, detailed patterns - the Maximalist look is the exact opposite of the minimalist style. With the rising popularity of the Victorian style wallpaper and Mid-Century Modern wallpaper peel and stick, we predict wallpaper designs like Bold leopard (Mid-Century Wallpaper collection) and Emerald Green Malachite (Bright & Modern Wallpaper collection) will become more trendy in 2021.

We've learned that abstract shapes and textured looks are some of the key elements of a unique and timeless design wallpaper. Just like Infinity Woodblock wallpaper or Chain pattern wallpaper (Mid-Century wallpaper collection) - many other abstract, texture-rich wallpaper patterns will decorate many home interiors in 2021, especially with our mid century modern and contemporary peel and stick wallpaper.
