Despite the fact that it needed to travel from Europe to South Carolina, our wallpaper arrived within about a week of our placing the order. It cannot be emphasized enough that this very high-quality wallpaper, considerably thicker than run-of-the-mill wallpaper. While undoubtedly enhancing the look and durability of the wallpaper—something especially important when it is being used as a backsplash—the thickness of the paper poses a bit of a challenge when, as in our case, the surface being covered is not composed of perfectly rectangular areas. (Some of our cabinets and countertops are not perfectly level, and some of our walls are not perfectly plumb.) Usually, this state of affairs would be handled by cutting the wallpaper segments a little larger than the space they are intended for, applying them to the surface, wedging the paper into the corners, and then cutting away the excess with a utility knife. We found ourselves unable to do follow this procedure because the thickness of the paper made it impossible to wedge into the corners. We resorted to very careful measuring of each wall segment and very careful cutting of the wallpaper segments. In the end, we could not be more pleased with our new wallpaper backsplash. The improvement to the aesthetics and ease of cleaning of our kitchen is exactly what we were looking for.